The Future of Dedicated Server Hosting in the Cloud Era

Black Viper September 06, 2018

The Future of Dedicated Server Hosting in the Cloud Era

Are you considering a switch to cloud web hosting, and planning to say goodbye to the traditional dedicated servers, because of the hype about cloud computing? The hype may be giving an indirect implication that other forms of hosting are slowly losing their significance. Of course, there are many benefits of cloud hosting, and it does appear to be the obvious choice for the future, but there's more than what meets the eye.

A public, private, or hybrid clouds offer shared resources from many servers, and the biggest advantage is scalability. These advantages put together, make it clear that cloud hosting is only expected to go higher henceforth.

Cloud Hosting Isn't Always the Best Option

All that said, as a hosting provider, you should understand that there are different types of cloud and dedicated hosting solutions that can be offered to the customers. There are many instances where a client still needs to deal with dedicated servers. Both forms of web hosting solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages and it is all about how you manage to offer a mixed bag of both while keeping business objective and technology in mind.

Should You Expand to Cloud Markets?

As a hosting provider, you might get puzzled with whether to expand your cloud infrastructure only and launch newer cloud-based services or to still try to tap revenue out of your dedicated server hosting. Dedicated servers are often more costly compared to virtual or shared servers, however, big enterprises are more than willing to pay for the level of speed and reliability they get from dedicated servers.

Smart hosting providers stick to their dedicated hosting services as they believe there is a definite non-depleting market for the same. They promote their dedicated hosting services not just as a scaled up version of shared or virtual hosting, but rather as an effective alternative to cloud as well.

The Popularity of Dedicated Hosting

Big businesses go for dedicated hosting because of reliability and speed. These servers also tend to be more configurable than other options, as well as being completely isolated.

A web host should not necessarily give up a dedicated server hosting option. If infrastructure and resources permit, then hosts should definitely venture into cloud hosting and the latest technologies, but giving up dedicated hosting may not be the right decision.

Needless to say, both the services can be a part of your roster, and you may continue to offer them to respective clients according to their specific needs. If you've been living under the fear that your profit margins may take a toll due to a radical decrease in demand for dedicated hosting, then you can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being!

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