Features and Benefits of Cloud Hosting

Black Viper August 03, 2017

Looking for a reliable and desirable hosting service for your website or webpage? Here is the latest hosting technology for you. This most popular hosting is based on the concept of “Divide and Rule”. The needed resource for your website is divided and distributed in more than one server and utilized according to the need. With it you can manage load spikes very easily. At the same time the chances of down time due to unforeseen server snags is reduced remarkably.

This is Cloud Hosting. Another greatest feature of this service is that there is no issue of disk space or bandwidth because you are having the support of other servers for your resources. Therefore, it is the ideal service as your website has the support of a cluster of servers. The very word “Cloud” is utilized to refer this cluster of servers in this advanced hosting technology.

Mode of Function

In this cost saving technology, hosting is provided on Virtual Servers along with networks of physical web servers. This facility enables you to tap, as much resource as you need, at any situation and according to your requirements. The amazing fact is that you have to pay for only what you use! At the same time, as you are capable of getting access to it at any time there is no charges for additional capacity.

Comparison with Hosting on Single Servers
There are shared servers, dedicated servers and many more. But Windows Cloud Hosting is a great alternative to all other server you can find in the field of modern hosting service worldwide. Unlike shared or dedicated servers this technology uses the net work of multiple servers those are pulled from different data centers in different places.

Flexibility: There is great flexibility as resource is not limited to the ability of a single server. Rather, resource is available on demand. You can enjoy seamless resource during spike in traffic.

Load Balancing: Load balancing is software based. Therefore, it is instantly scalable to respond to fluctuating demands. 

Reliability: Linux Cloud Hosting from MicroHost is delivered on a virtual server which draws required resource from an extensive network of underlying physical servers. In case one server goes offline it will not affect availability, as your virtual servers will continue to support with remaining network of servers. 

Utility Based Costing: You only pay for what you actually use.

Physical Security: You are assured with great security as all underlying servers are in the safe 

custody of data centers.

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